Seaside Decor Ideas

The sea, white sand, and water lapping at the ship hull� those are images and sensations we would like to have at home all year long. So, if you like this atmosphere, here are some tips and ideas which might help you to add a holiday touch to your interior decoration.

Seaside spirit

moodboard seaside

You wish to create a seaside atmosphere? Use natural colours and materials. Find some shades of blue from navy blue and blue-grey to blue-green. To adorn those blues, you can use tints of beige as well as sand, linen and whites.

For the materials, we use sea rush and natural fibres, string, wicker, driftwood or aged wood.

Striped patterns might also adorn your d�cor. However, be careful not to overload your room. 

Wallpaper Great Wave and Acquario from Cole & Son (approx. 100� and 190� each roll).

Seaside Inspiration

Fishing Hut bedroom (Source)

seaside decor

We like:
  • The aged wood head-board

3 DIY options:
  1. Find some aged wood and  make yourself a head-board
  2. Buy a ready to use head-board (e.g. here)
  3. Use a trompe l�oeil by putting wallpaper or floors imitating aged wood (here

    straw hat decor

    We fall for:
    • The yard lamps used as bedside lamps
    • The straw hat collection becoming decorative items

      maison de plage

      We like:
      • The  blue-grey colours of the shelf matching the head-board;
      • The wicker basket used as ceiling lamps.

        A Ship Cabin Bedroom

        boat cabin decor

        We like:
        • The ultra-simplified style of this bedroom where you really feel like you are in a ship cabin. Once again we can find the aged wood, the straw hat, the stripped patterns and the white colour. 

          The Wooden Room

          boat wood white decor

          To keep in mind:
          • The wooden head-board with a high shelf to save place: aesthetic and practical.

          Good ideas for a seaside atmosphere

          1. Turn a barge into a sofa

          boat into a sofa

          2. Turn a pallet into a hanging seat

          seaside decor ideas

          3. Use rope to hang your curtains

          ropes curtain hanging

          4. Create a room divider using a ship sail

          sail clothes room divider

          5. Use your old oars to create a head-board

          oars decoration

          6. Build shelves for shells

          bathroom decor ideas

          Check here the seaside selection of MYDECOLAB! 

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