3 Dollars to Pretty

Last year I bought an acrylic tray from Walmart for 88 cents during their summer clearance sale and even it looked okay I knew that I wanted to dress it up at bit since I wouldn't be using it in the kitchen.  Last week I was browsing the blogs and I came across a killer idea from Chelsea from two twenty one and I couldn't wait to try it.

I downloaded the background from Sprik Space, she is very generous with freebies, make sure you head over and check out her blog.  I then edited the background in Picnik (Google has decided to shut down Picnik...boo...) adding my initial within a circle.  I created two tray liners and printed them at Office Depot for $2, cut them and Voila!!!


Aren't they purty?

Linking this up to the:
The DIY Show Off

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 

It's Overflowing

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