Hotel Inspiration - Banyan Tree Samui

I love a well designed hotel and The Banyan Tree Samui delivers high design in spades.  It's truly eye candy.

OMG, wouldn't you love to wake up to this everyday?

This room is has minimum color but the use of texture gives it amazing impact on the senses.

Another shot of this beautiful room.  Isn't it fabulous?

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My Mom Cave

Kate at Centsational Girl is having a link party for Mom Caves.
My mom cave is definitely my living room.  Every time I pass by it I smile and more importantly it holds my romance novels.  Yup I love a good romance novel, after reading serious stuff all day and helping with high school, a romance novel is best thing for me.  There is nothing better then snuggling in my chair with a blanket reading a book and watching rain fall outside.  
I love my mom cave, hope you do too.
I'm linking this to Centsational Girl, please hop over to see all the caves.

 This makes me smile.

See all my lovely novels.

That's the chair I love to snuggle in.

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Living Room Mood Board

Well, purple is all the rage again.  I'm sure the color is probably called wine or something else but it will always be purple to me.  I've created a room using purple as an accent color, I think it would fabulous with a citrine colored wallpaper.

Would you use a deep wine color on your walls?

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Living Room Mood Board

Here's a mood board I did for a friend of mine, she wanted a room with blue accents.
I've combined blue, gray, cream, browns and some black. The sofa in the mood board is her own.

What you do think?

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Luxe for Less - Mirror

So, if you don't know it yet, I love a good mirror, here's a couple of mirrors that would look good in any room.

Mirror above is sold at Williams - Sonoma Home for $195 on Sale.

Isn't it the sunburst mirror behind the sofa fabulous, and at $199 from Crate and Barrel the price isn't bad at all.

But why spend $199 when you can buy a comparable one for $69.99 from good old Target.

Happy shopping.

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Good Finds

I was in my local Target shopping and noticed that they're putting all their college stuff on clearance at 75% off.  Where can you get a comforter for $5?  So if you have children or a college student these are great buys especially since XL Twin sheets can be difficult to find.   The sizes range from twin to queen.
So run over to your local Target to see if they are on sale there too. Happy Shopping!

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A Bump in the Road

I know this blog is mainly dedicated to home decor and design and I try to keep my ramblings to myself but I felt compelled to share.

Three years ago my son had a health scare, one of those scary health issues that makes your heart pound, cause you sleepless nights and have you crying in shower.  It started out innocent enough, with a throat ache which I thought was strep but after we went to the pediatrician's office, right away I knew something was up when three doctors converged on the room.  You know something is wrong with a doctors are readily available because they love to make you wait.  The thing that bothers me to this day that they didn't mention anything they just made me an appointment with a specialist saying they just wanted a throat specialist to take a look at it.

I can't tell you how my heart sunk when a drove to the specialist and pulled in the parking lot and saw a HUGE sign on the building indicating it was a Cancer Center. It still gives me the willies just thinking about how I felt walking into that building and I know my little man was scared as heck too when he saw the sign on the building.  After numerous blood tests and MRIs we found out that it was mono.  We still don't know where the heck he picked mono from but we were so happy to have skirted the big C we didn't care.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, my son woke up at 4 am to massive headache. Normally a headache wouldn't bother me but he said that he couldn't see out of one eye.  That scared the crap out of me.  Of course my mind went back the Cancer scare we had three years and started it racing to crazy scenarios like what if it wasn't mono and something serious and the doctors missed something three years ago?  After numerous tests in the past couple of weeks he was diagnosed with severe migraine headaches. Phew, Thank God.

So I'm thankful of my blessings but my heart goes out to all the moms and dads who are dealing with seriously sick children.  While I only had a tiny bump in the road and a month of sleepless nights, there are many folks out there who will lose their precious babies to illness.  Please keep all these families in your prayers, you can also make a donation to St. Judes here.

We're now back to homework and hair issues.

My little man started the summer like this:

And ended the summer like this:

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