Good Finds

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted, after surviving pink eye, sinus infection and hives (I'm telling you I was falling apart) I'm happy to be back posting and healthy.

The other day I was surfing the web and saw this beautiful glass terrarium but at $79 it was way way way out of the budget.

A couple of days later when I browsing through my local Tuesday morning store what did I see on clearance... a glass pear terrarium for $11.99.  Don't you just love a  bargain?

While I'm not sure where it will end up in my house, I know for sure a plant won't be in it as I tend to kill plants just by passing by them. yup I have a black thumb.

Isn't it beautiful?  If you live close to a Tuesday morning, go browsing you'll never know what you can find.

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